Thursday 17 March 2011

Heidi plaits

I know what you're thinking; now there's a girl with too much time on her hands! You're probably right, although it actually only took about 10 minutes to transform my hair into something Heidi would be proud of. It's just 3 French plaits, wound around my head, it looks a little messy and there are grips poking out from every angle, but for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased with it. I'm still undecided whether I like it or not, is it a little ridiculous to style yourself on Heidi? (For those of you who are unaware, I'm talking about Heidi, the TV show about the girl who lived in the Swiss Alps, and definitely not Heidi Montag, just to clear that up!)

1 comment:

Thursday 17 March 2011

Heidi plaits

I know what you're thinking; now there's a girl with too much time on her hands! You're probably right, although it actually only took about 10 minutes to transform my hair into something Heidi would be proud of. It's just 3 French plaits, wound around my head, it looks a little messy and there are grips poking out from every angle, but for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased with it. I'm still undecided whether I like it or not, is it a little ridiculous to style yourself on Heidi? (For those of you who are unaware, I'm talking about Heidi, the TV show about the girl who lived in the Swiss Alps, and definitely not Heidi Montag, just to clear that up!)

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